The Warped Zone Strikes Back


As you may notice, there is quite a significant gap in the time between this post and my previous one. The drought in between posts have damn near rivaled the N64/Gamecube/Wii U lineups in terms of vacancy. Well, much like Nintendo has achieved with its more robust and populated Switch lineup, I hope to drastically change this in the very near future, and dial up both the quantity and frequency of my posts. Don't expect a ton in the way of exclusive reviews here, as those duties will be typically reserved for the other site I'm writing for - New Game Network. Though I soon plan to churn out a fairly consistent stream of editorials/rants, as well as features/lists, along with whatever other gaming related topic, idea, or even merely a thought that may rear its head without warning.

Various obligations - which included a dead end retail job, working on assets for an indie games studio, as well as the increased pace of reviews I've been cranking out at New Game Network (which included my first ever trip to E3 as media!), all contribute to my absence. But with things easing up in my life and my stronger-than-ever passion of gaming, I am back in full force. I will remain dedicated to bringing you more content and reinvigorating the Zone with a plethora of articles covering a vast range of [mostly gaming] topics through the filter of my [semi]hipster lenses. If I'm feeling spicy enough, I just may get things going on the video side of things once again as well.. Until then, stay tuned, and feel free to swing my New Game Network to read up on my reviews and/or previews in the meantime!
