You have Just Entered.. The Warped Zone O_o

Where can you get an unorthodox mashup of video game information, reviews, music, movies, rantings, nostalgic reminiscing, and other gaming related randomness? Why, I am glad you asked! The answer, my friends, is the website you are currently reading! Now, as should be clear from the title reference (if you’ve ever played a Mario Brothers game in your life – and if you have not, shame on you!), the cornerstone of this blog will revolve primarily around gaming. (It's like.. a mix of Mario and Twilight Zone!!1 I know I know.. Soooo clever right??) With this blog I intend to give you some interesting, humorous, and often cynical insight in gaming, in attempt to give a fresh perspective and a sense breaking free from our dimension in which a clutter of gaming media exists.

But anyway, when making this blog, I figured, why stop at gaming? For I am certain you, fellow gamer, have other means besides gaming that you enjoy as entertainment, right? So why not cover all bases at one site? After all, I wouldn't exactly be staying true to my promise of an unorthodox gaming blog if I adhered strictly to gaming, would I? So how about some music, movies, sports, politics, food, women, giant unicorn centaurs… Alright, so maybe a few of those would be best sought elsewhere… However, I do intend to be committed to providing you with juicy info and original content on various forms of entertainment on occasion to mix things up a bit, which I hope you shall enjoy reading as much as I enjoy writing. A disclaimer however; the primary focus of this blog WILL be gaming, because gaming is simply the superior form of entertainment. To use a lame astrological metaphor if I may; gaming will be the theoretical sun to my blog in which the other planetary forms will revolve around. So if you're on board with me on that notion, kick back and get lost in the crazy ride that is the Warped Zone! 
Note: This site currently exists as a wacky experiment by yours truly, as I continue to go toy with the fundamentals of blogging, have some fun, and hopefully catch the eye of others as well. Though while blogging might be somewhat of a new endeavor for me, gaming certainly isn't. I have been gaming since I picked up an NES controller over 20 years ago, and I haven't looked back. And while there may not be a plethora of content at the time of this post, at some point I do intend to follow through on this blog and beef it up into a fully-fledged gaming blog with endless streams of juicy content, including reviews, editorials, rantings, links, art, etc… I appreciate you stickin’ with me, and joining me on my mad crusade to get this thing going.
